SIWIBA Hold Sewing Training for Members

Written by webadmin on . Posted in Media Releases

On the 14th May 2013, the Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) held a sewing training at the Girl Guide Hut. It was facilitated by Lensa Magiza, a tailor by profession, and assisted by Karina Paenitala. There were 20 participants who attended the training, given that the target was more than that.

In delivering such training, SIWIBA aimed at efficiently providing an avenue where specific sector women or interested members could build and enrich skills on different levels of sewing. This training targeted basic sewer or aspiring to be a sewer. The objective of this training is, by the end of the training participants would be able to demonstrate the basic skills on sewing especially on measuring/sizing, pattern making/drafting and sewing.

The women have learned a lot from this training and have suggested more of these training in the future. By the end of the day, these women have taken home with them basic knowledge on sewing and a skill that they would utilize on building their businesses.
