SIWIBA Build Women in Livestock and Horticulture Training

Written by webadmin on . Posted in Media Releases

The Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) organized livestock and horticulture training for its members in the months of August to October 2014.

This follows signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between SIWIBA and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) of the Solomon Islands Government for funding support to provide basic trainings for SIWIBA members, to raise and rear poultry and piggery and ornamental plants.

Two training components, piggery/poultry and horticulture, were organised by the SIWIBA Secretariat for its members: piggery (11th - 12th August 2014), poultry (13th - 14th August 2014) followed by a field trip for both piggery and poultry (15th August 2014). Horticulture training took place in September over a two-week period for two groups (29th September – 10th October 2014).

SIWIBA engaged facilitators from the Ministry of Agriculture and a local horticulture specialist to conduct trainings for its members. Trainings included a field trip for piggery and poultry and hands on sessions for horticulture training.

Participants were awarded with certificates at the end of all the trainings in recognition of their participation. All expressed an interest in utilising the valuable information to improve and grow their businesses.
